How to Choose the Best Spot for New Pool Construction in Los Angeles, CA
As you begin planning out the installation of a pool at your home, you need to spend some time thinking about exactly where on your property it will sit, and how you want to have it laid out. Depending on the size and shape of your property, this may or may not be a relatively easy task.
So as you start to plan out your pool construction in Los Angeles, CA, consider these factors to help you pick the best location:
- Plumbing: You need to be able to plumb your pool relatively easily. This means that, depending on what pieces of plumbing infrastructure you already have in place, some locations might be more convenient than others, and some might be altogether impossible.
- Septic tanks: The backyard is the most common area for people to place their pools, but it’s also a common location for septic tanks if you are not on a municipal grid. Keep in mind that you cannot place your pool within a certain distance of septic tanks, so you should know exactly where your septic tank is located and where the flow-off area is. This will prevent you from damaging your septic system and also keep you from regularly contaminating your pool water.
- Space: Do you really have space to put a pool in your desired area? Will it require you to come up with some creative layouts? Make sure you have the room in a specific area on your property to actually install the pool properly.
- Views: You should consider both the view from your home and the view from your pool. Your pool can make a nice addition to the landscaping, so if you’re looking to improve the view from inside your home you should make sure your pool is visible from it. In addition, the view from your pool itself can make using the pool more relaxing, luxurious and enjoyable. All pools benefit, for example, when exposed to as much sunlight as possible. And if there’s a particularly beautiful area on your property, you can spend more time there by placing a pool in that spot.
- Trees: The presence of trees will also play a role in where you place your pool, as you should generally try to keep your pool away from trees. The biggest reason for this, beyond wanting to maximize your exposure to sunlight, is that trees can shed leaves, branches and other debris that will pollute your pool and potentially clog up your pool lines.
- Permanence: Your pool location is going to be permanent, which means you need to be pleased with where it’s located. You won’t be able to move the pool without having to redo the entire costly, inconvenient installation and construction process. Therefore, do not rush through this decision making process. Spend some time carefully considering your property and where the best places to put a pool are before making your final decision.
For more information about choosing a spot for pool construction in Los Angeles, CA, contact Avanti Pools, Inc. today.