Why Do Pool Construction Cost Estimates Vary So Much?
If you’ve started to look into adding a pool to your property, then you’ve likely been in touch with several contractors searching out estimates for the cost of installation. You’ve given them all the same general idea of what you’re looking for, but all of them come back with wildly different numbers. How does this happen, and why?
Pool construction cost estimates vary so much in Los Angeles, CA for several different reasons, and it’s important to understand them before choosing a contractor. Going into any process like this with a thorough understanding of where the numbers come from will always help you make a better decision.
Lower isn’t always better
When you’re looking at contractors, the temptation can be to jump on the lowest bid. After all, since you gave them all the same job requirements, they’ll all approach them the same way, right?
Unfortunately, this is not how construction works. Firms use different estimating methods, different qualities of materials and different types of labor. All of these can greatly impact an estimated cost. Plus, if you get a bid that’s significantly lower than all the others, that could indicate you’re working with a firm that comes in artificially low but then has “cost overruns” over the course of the project that cause the price tag to balloon.
Differences in quality matter
As mentioned above, different contractors use different types of materials, which helps explain why pool construction cost estimates vary so much in Los Angeles, CA. The concrete that’s poured, for example, can differ greatly in quality, setting time and durability. Different companies might also use different brands for the lights under the water, which can come with drastically different price tags attached. It’s best to ask your contractor as many questions as you can during the estimating phase to be sure you understand where their numbers are coming from.
How you can verify costs
To make sure you’re receiving fair prices on pool quotes, it can be a good idea to ask the different contractors for references. Any contractor that hesitates or refuses to do this is probably one that you can easily cross off of your list. Additionally, speaking to references can give you a much better idea of the quality and durability of their workmanship. If a more expensive bid produced exemplary work that former clients are thrilled with, then it could still make an awful lot of sense to go with a firm whose work you know will please you.
Pool construction costs vary so much in Los Angeles, CA because pool contractors and their quality of work vary just as greatly. Building a new pool is a sizable endeavor, so you’ll be well-served by doing it right the first time. Take the time to speak with all of the different contractors and make sure you get a better idea of their process and their past work. The team at Avanti Pools, Inc. would be happy to discuss all of this info with you—give us a call today!