Set a Pool Cleaning Schedule!
Even private pools suffer contamination. The only way to prevent it is to clean regularly, as scooping debris and filtering the water is often not enough to keep out harmful bacteria. Failure to do so results in Los Angeles, CA swimmers developing gastrointestinal symptoms, skin, ear and eye infections, diarrhea and even respiratory disease and neurological failure. Many ask, “How often should I clean my pool?” and the answer is generally once a week. But there are specific cleaning tasks that should be performed on a schedule. Here are five of them:
- Spot cleaning: Do this as you see the need, which may be every day or once a week. If trees drop leaves in your pool or you see big balls of dog hair, scoop them up with a net before they enter your filtration system. Algae causes structural damage and slips and falls, so dig it up as you see. These tasks only take a minute when completed on a regular basis, and they will make pool maintenance much easier.
- Shock treatments: Pool use and frequency determine the need for shock treatments. If pets use your pool often or you have large parties every weekend, add an extra shock treatment. This will turn your pool into a sanitary oasis rather than a disease vector.
- Cleaning skimmer basket: Think of skimmers like you do your cat’s litter box—the longer you wait to clean it, the nastier it becomes. Your skimmer basket is the same way. You can likely skip a day if you do not have a lot of vegetation in your yard, but you still get the best results by cleaning it every day. Letting it sit too long results in a breakdown and an unsafe pool.
- Vacuuming: Pool vacuums are one of the best items in your maintenance repertoire. If you cannot reach debris to hand skim it or dirt drifts to the bottom, the vacuum makes it easy to clean it out. Consider vacuuming at least once a week, or more often if your pool needs it. You will remove the dirt but also bring the water back to a good pH balance.
- Cleaning pumps: You should clean pumps twice a season and after heavy use, add backwashing to that routine, too. Check pump specifications to be sure you do it correctly. Generally, if pressure rises into the 40s, it is time to backwash. This is often an involved job, and you must set aside time to open up the pumps and check pipes and clean out debris.
If this sounds overwhelming, you have another option: self-cleaning equipment. You can install a self-cleaning pool or contact a pool construction company about adding self-cleaning features. Another option is to reduce your cleaning demands by installing an automatic cover so you can cover the pool when it is not being used. This helps keep it clean and maintains your pool’s chemical balance better.
The answer to “How often should I clean my pool?” could be “Almost never!” if you hire Avanti Pools, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA. We are pool contractors who specialize in self-cleaning pools, but we also install automatic covers and sanitation systems for existing pools. Contact us today to learn more.