

Talk to Your Pool Builder in Los Angeles, CA About the Benefits of Installing an Automatic Pool Cover

Owing a backyard swimming pool is a dream come true for many homeowners. When installed properly and regularly maintained, you will get to enjoy your pool for many years to come. But what about additional pool features that provide safety and other benefits? Even if you don’t have children or pets, an uncovered pool can


Self-Cleaning Pools Are More Affordable and Cost-Effective Than You Think!

The benefits of self-cleaning pools are not talked about nearly enough, because most people assume that this added convenience will cost too much money. With help from a pool contractor in Los Angeles, CA, let’s take a look at a few of the benefits this type of system offers. With luck, you’ll never have to


How to Choose the Right Kind of Pool for You and Your Family

Have you recently been considering getting a new swimming pool? Late summer or early fall is the perfect time to take the plunge. Business tends to slow down, which means contractors are willing to make some great deals for new pool construction. But first, you have to decide what type of pool is best suited


Ask a Pool Contractor in Los Angeles, CA: What’s the Difference Between Chlorine and Saltwater Pools?

So, you are finally ready to build your new swimming pool! You have the perfect pool all thought out, but now you are tasked with determining whether you want a saltwater or chlorine pool. Both water types have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to cost, maintenance and health concerns. However, one isn’t necessarily